Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, July 31, 2011

A picture from the last ultrasound we had, I believe he was about 27 weeks there.


Okay with only 6 more weeks to go, I have decided to come back to the blog and update everyone on the happenings in our life!

Our baby shower was last month, and I have never felt so lucky and blessed. SO many people came, so many friends and family, and Lennon was definitely spoiled! He is entering this world with a lot of people loving him. My family, Jacobs family, and all our friends are just so great to us, we couldn't ask for better people to surround us!

We finally decided what hospital we are going to deliver at and I think it's a great decision and it's only a few minutes from the house, so if anything happens we are close! I can't believe he is set to be here in 42 days, time flies!

The third trimester has finally been a tough one, still I don't think I've had as hard of a pregnancy as most people describe, but the heat and my achy muscles are finally getting to me. Lennon moves around non stop, but it's fun to watch and feel, I know I'm going to miss it.

We are attempting to put together his room, he has SO much stuff, and I really with the swings/highchairs/strollers would put themselves together, but we are attempting to do it. We are decorating his room in mickey mouse and stars along with some music inspired stuff, it's adorable.

Life is really good, and thank you again for all the wonderful people we have supporting us, I can't wait for Lennon to be in this world around you all.

Ramelle, Jayk, and Baby Lennon

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

We have been so busy lately with life, but I have not forgot about my blog. I am officially 16 weeks pregnant and get for my "anatomy scan" (gender ultrasound) on thursday at 4:30! I am so excited, we have been visiting baby stores and I just see so many outfits I love, but can't buy because I don't know which ones to buy! My family and I had a baby shower on Sunday for my cousin, who is due in June with a little girl, and it was was a great success. My other cousin is due 3 days after me! I also found out one of my best friends growing up is having a little girl, so many babies lately!

I bought this for Lennon yesterday:

This book has always been one of my favorites, and I try to buy it for anyone that has a baby, but lately it has been super hard to find. Luckily we were at Buy Buy Baby yesterday and they had it and in hard cover! So excited to read this to my little one!

Everything is good, I'm still feeling great, I'm sleeping less but I am learning to deal with it.

Monday, March 14, 2011


It's so annoying not knowing what I will be having! I will be excited either way but I just wish I knew, my cousin Amy is due in May and is having a girl and it has been so fun shopping for her, especially because I get to see so many things that I would like! My cousin Ashley is due 3 days after me and she doesn't know what she is having either, It's a family affair! I pretty much know what our nursery theme will be either way but it is still fun seeing other peoples ideas, and how creative people can be! I'm just going to post some themes I've found searching around that I think are ADORABLE!

-I love this idea for a little girl it's Disney but very classy.

-I love the colors in this one, I love the cherry blossom tree, It's different but it's something your little one could grow with.

-With this one I would probably do a little more with it, more colors. But I love the idea, I love Dr. Seuss!

-And lastly for now, the nautical theme. I love nautical themes in general, but I think putting a twist on it for a nursery is absolutely adorable.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

This post is brought to you by Bananas

So all day today all I could think about was how much I really wanted a banana, and how I wanted to make a fruit salad including bananas. I wrote up a grocery list and # 1 on the list was... you guessed it Bananas. So I drove to the store after work, entered the produce section only to find.... they had no bananas. I then received two phone calls asking why I was so stressed out? Why am I so stressed out? because I'm hormonal and the only thing I have wanted all day is to buy Bananas. I then ranted and raved about what kind of grocery store doesn't have bananas. I finally calmed myself down, finished my shopping, and am still banana less. The cravings are here needless to say.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

So you did exactly what we said not to do...

So today after being stressed about not hearing Lennons heartbeat on the doppler I convinced my obgyn office to get me in for an appointment. Withing two minutes of the lady searching for my heartbeat they found it, his/her heartbeat was 170-175! My placenta is in front of the baby which is what makes it hard for me to find the heartbeat on my own. The obgyn suggested I put the doppler away for a few more months so I can stop stressing myself out. I think I'll take her advice for now.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sonoline B baby doppler

So, I bought a baby doppler (heart monitor) on ebay the other day, I figured it would give me peace of mine between doctors appointments. Everything you read about them online gives you mixed opinions, either a. it's the best thing ever or b. it's a stress inducing noise machine. So anyways, I received my doppler this morning and was eager to try it out, after searching and searching we found what we believe to be the babys heartbeat, the bpm on the screen are reading in the 160s.... so a few hours later I go searching again for the heartbeat and nothing but my own... this continues off and on for the last 3 hours and needless to say, I am now stressed. I'm going to leave it alone for a while some people say you need to wait until you are further along. Now I'm just going to pray and keep my fingers crossed that Baby Lennon is hanging in there and nothing is wrong!
I have decided to start a blog to remember all the details of my pregnancy, as well as to share them! I am very excited to be able to document everything. We had a miscarriage in november at 9 weeks 5 days, and found out in January we were expecting again. Our due date this time around is September 11th, 2011! At our last obgyn appointment we were able to see the baby kicking around and hear the wonderful heartbeat! From suffering from a miscarriage so shortly ago I have been extra nervous every day of my pregnancy. But all I can do is hope for the best. We have decided boy or girl that our little one will be name Lennon, and we can't wait to hold him/her in our arms! I can't wait to share this exciting journey as well as hopefully read about some of your times as well.

-Ramelle, Jayk, and baby Lennon