Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

This post is brought to you by Bananas

So all day today all I could think about was how much I really wanted a banana, and how I wanted to make a fruit salad including bananas. I wrote up a grocery list and # 1 on the list was... you guessed it Bananas. So I drove to the store after work, entered the produce section only to find.... they had no bananas. I then received two phone calls asking why I was so stressed out? Why am I so stressed out? because I'm hormonal and the only thing I have wanted all day is to buy Bananas. I then ranted and raved about what kind of grocery store doesn't have bananas. I finally calmed myself down, finished my shopping, and am still banana less. The cravings are here needless to say.

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