Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, March 7, 2011

I have decided to start a blog to remember all the details of my pregnancy, as well as to share them! I am very excited to be able to document everything. We had a miscarriage in november at 9 weeks 5 days, and found out in January we were expecting again. Our due date this time around is September 11th, 2011! At our last obgyn appointment we were able to see the baby kicking around and hear the wonderful heartbeat! From suffering from a miscarriage so shortly ago I have been extra nervous every day of my pregnancy. But all I can do is hope for the best. We have decided boy or girl that our little one will be name Lennon, and we can't wait to hold him/her in our arms! I can't wait to share this exciting journey as well as hopefully read about some of your times as well.

-Ramelle, Jayk, and baby Lennon

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