It's so annoying not knowing what I will be having! I will be excited either way but I just wish I knew, my cousin Amy is due in May and is having a girl and it has been so fun shopping for her, especially because I get to see so many things that I would like! My cousin Ashley is due 3 days after me and she doesn't know what she is having either, It's a family affair! I pretty much know what our nursery theme will be either way but it is still fun seeing other peoples ideas, and how creative people can be! I'm just going to post some themes I've found searching around that I think are ADORABLE!

-I love this idea for a little girl it's Disney but very classy.

-I love the colors in this one, I love the cherry blossom tree, It's different but it's something your little one could grow with.

-With this one I would probably do a little more with it, more colors. But I love the idea, I love Dr. Seuss!

-And lastly for now, the nautical theme. I love nautical themes in general, but I think putting a twist on it for a nursery is absolutely adorable.